Cherval is a place that exists in our imagination. There's no direct translation, no simple definition, but we like to think of it as a state of mind. Though, to be fair, there is a small, charming town in France, just north of Bordeaux, that happens to share our name. Still, for us, Cherval feels perfectly fitting in its own right.
The name Cherval Studio comes from our founder and designer, Elizabeth Vallino. "Cher" is derived from Sherill, and "Val" from Vallino, a reflection of the personal roots that shape our approach. We're not the type to stick to naming conventions or follow expectations that don’t feel true to who we are. We love the European countryside, insist on no shoes in the office, and would rather be caught dead than buy fast furniture. Cherval is, at its core, a design studio that places creativity first and is devoted to quality textiles.
Of course, we care about the basics: sleeping, dining, the essentials of living. But what excites us most is the way these moments are presented. We believe the bed deserves the same attention to detail as fashion, and that a well-set table should feel as considered as a well-styled outfit. At Cherval Studio, our hope is to bring back a sense of elegance to everyday life. The rituals we take for granted. It's making a bed, setting a table are opportunities for celebration. A simple striped tablecloth can transform a regular meal into something special, while fabric napkins not only elevate the experience but also honor the planet with their sustainability.
We believe in gathering, in welcoming others into our spaces, and in making everyone feel included. Cherval is about connection, about savoring the small moments, and making them meaningful. And while we’re setting our own table, we hope to have a seat at yours, too.