Cherval Studio was born out of a desire to preserve some of the slow pleasures of everyday life, like making a beautiful bed and setting a beautiful table.
Our design philosophy is based on making the places we spend most of our time expressive and individual. We believe in possessing fewer, better quality things, which we think is healthy for our psyches as well as for our planet. The sense of belonging to the human community is getting lost in the modern life, and we hope to rekindle it through encouraging small acts of civility and hospitality towards our family and friends.
The tent is our symbol because tents are places of warm hospitality, a wedding tent or a nomadic dwelling with its flaps open to the next visitor. We love tents for their light-on-the-earth nature, for their beach-cabana stripes, for their casual, ready-for-a-party attitude.. In the end we love tents because they are made of fabric, and fabric is our passion.
We begin with the bed as a core living space because it is there we go to dream...

THE BEGINNING: 1999 - 2022
Cherval Studio had always been a dream for Elizabeth Vallino. As an interior designer located in Santa Barbara, she always longed for the patterns she would find in books, and on other fabric to be presented in the bedding world.
After years of collecting vintage and antique fabric scraps, beautiful writing paper, artwork, notebooks, sketches, mood boards of this new world started to come into focus. Mood boards of what would come to be Cherval Studio. The time had come for her to embark on her own journey. A journey of trust, excitement, fear etc.This is how the Cherval Story starts.
We knew we wanted our bedding to have patterns that had a historical underpinning, that were charming, and had the ability to mix together with each other and with vintage blankets and quilts. Elizabeth went down a rabbit hole and discovered a book of Dominoté patterns and knew immediately they held the perfect combination of characteristics. We learned that Dominoté patterns were mainly from France and Italy from as early as the 18th century, and were originally printed on paper to decorate small items like boxes, as well as endpapers for books. We love the bookish tie in because we love books, and also the fact that the Dominoté printers also often printed playing cards, which we love as well.

We went both local and international when finding producers for our textile. So much research and time went in to meeting our sturdy expectations for sustainable practice and design. The quest for the perfect ground for our first collection begins.
Artwork and pattern conception begins and many iterations are created and presented. This was a trial and error creative process. Quite therapeutic if we’re being honest.

Pattern design was a large aspect of our journey. We take pride in that process, the base of a quality canvas for those designs was equally as important and we needed help.
After researching a variety of factories for our material, we decided that Portugal was the area we were most interested in having our products produced in.
We then learned that a group of Portuguese producers were planning on presenting in New York during the Fall to some of of their clients so we set up meetings and traveled across the country to New York to meet several of them.
This trip was extraordinarily eye opening. In the city of overwhelming possibility, we found ourselves meeting with gatekeepers that would change the course of our brand and make our dream a reality.
Eyes on fabric + artwork for the first time. A surreal feeling of relief and pride knowing that our patterns that were printed on the fabric were our own and they were coming out exactly how we were imagining them to be.

JUNE 2023
Sheets are washed and tested to make sure they stay nice and crisp in a natural environment.

Cherval Studio's production samples are delivered. A preview of what’s to come...
Cherval Studios first photoshoot takes place in the Santa Barbara Valley.